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Goodbyes, are they always difficult? I doubt. Actually it depends on who the person is & how much do you value him or her. It’s a weird culture that the corporates follow i.e to hold a farewell party for the person who is moving on. I mean this is the day when everybody speaks only the best about that person. Only god know how much is genuinely meant. I really find it fake and a bit awkward. I remember my last stint lasted for exact 24 months… well, I did bond with people around but not that I would sob that I am moving on. I was moving on for a better opportunity rather better pay package. I was happy that I was quitting my previous organization. Why am I writing this? Coz, I just witnessed one. Oh, these farewells make me sad. I just hate this thing of saying how much I will miss you and how much did I love you. Oh boy, come on… let us all grow up. People actually sometimes say nasty things as well… how and why are the only two questions. As this saying goes, “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter. Seriously words are so powerful.

A small message of kindness and a few good words can make one’s day. It is just amazing when you receive messages from someone who you truly love and you were not expecting the message at first place. I read this story of how just 3 words prevented a person from committing suicide. Truly, everything boils down to communication. Sometimes it’s the tone that makes all the difference. I seriously wish that if email would define the tone that we wanted… like stern tone, happy tone. It’s not always good to have just one serious email tone. Hate it. How I wish if Microsoft would get this fixed. Everybody in office is so busy in getting things done and in the process they forget if their deeds or actions or even a simple email would hurt someone. No wonder emails are meant for office. Everybody sucks at work place.

Coming back to goodbyes. Sometimes, these byes are the best. As soon as you resign you are let off all the tasks at work and still get paid. Wow, what a life. I want this job dude. I encountered this only at my last stint, I used to go to work just to punch in my card & mark my attendance and then step out of office the entire day, shop, eat & then leave at 6. So for today’s farewell, we got donuts… yeah yummy in my tummy.

Having said this I still hate goodbyes. I do not want such moments in life, may be being de-ttached while you are attached is the only solution to this. May be, who knows. I think I am done for day. Too many emotions and too any thoughts. Yeah, going through a difficult phase, not cause of good byes but my very own personal reason. Will write about this only after I overcome my fear and problem.